This book explores how to work with MicroPython development for ESP8266 modules and boards, such as NodeMCU, SparkFun ESP8266 Thing, and Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266.
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This book explores how to work with MicroPython development for ESP8266 modules and boards, such as NodeMCU, SparkFun ESP8266 Thing, and Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266.
How to build amazing Internet of Things projects using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip.
Learn how to use the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip to build Internet-of-Things projects.
Learn how to use the aREST framework, so that you can easily control your Arduino, Raspberry Pi & ESP8266 projects!
Build home automation systems, using the powerful and cheap ESP8266 Wi-Fi Chip.
This book introduces such versatile boards as Raspberry Pi Zero and ESP8266.
This book is about getting started with the Internet of Things, using Arduino IDE.
This book demonstrates how choosing the right hardware and software to build an IoT node has become possible for less than $15.
NodeMCU is the development board based on the ESP8266 that makes life easier for those of us who want to develop connected devices. In this book we will give a review of the 5 most important points of NodeMCU .
This book gives hands on all IoT (internet of things ) related protocol, You will learn almost all IoT Protocols using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Arduino IDE, It covers many advance protocols such as WebSocket, MODBUS RTU, MODBUS TCP, UDP and sendning emails etc.