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Udemy Course on IoT Application Development with ESP RainMaker

Reporting from Shanghai, China
May 17, 2023

Put together by Magicbit Academy, this Udemy course will teach you how to build commercial grade IoT devices by using ESP Rainmaker and ESP32.

Magicbit is a Sri Lankan product-designing company which promotes education required in world of high technology. Founded in August 2019, the company emerged from the enterprise incubator of the University of Moratuwa. The Magicbit team comprises highly-qualified professionals with a strong engineering background.

Magicbit have recently put together a course on the popular educational platform Udemy, with which you can learn how to build your own IoT devices using ESP RainMaker: Espressif’s light-weight AIoT Cloud software which is fully integrated into the AWS serverless architecture, thus allowing users to build, develop and deploy customized AIoT solutions with a minimum amount of code and maximum security. Whether you're interested in building custom devices for your smart home or want to manufacture your own IoT devices, this course is the perfect starting point for you.

In the first section, you will learn about IoT platforms, what they are, and why we need them. ESP RainMaker is compared with other popular IoT platforms, which will help learners understand ESP RainMaker in depth. Next, learners will get hands-on experience of the ESP RainMaker app. Then, they will explore the different sections of an ESP RainMaker code and how to get started with their own RainMaker project. The course will also cover the various types of devices that can be connected to the platform. In the following section, learners will dive deeper into ESP RainMaker and explore how to push sensor readings to the RainMaker Cloud, and how to schedule and automate their devices through the app. Finally, they will integrate ESP RainMaker with the Google Home and Alexa ecosystems.

In the second part of the course, learners will put everything they have learned into practice by building three guided projects. They will start by building a smart light with a relay, followed by a high-temperature warning indicator, and will finish with a remote controller for a Smart Air Conditioner and also how to convert a regular AC to a smart one. These projects cover a wide range of ESP RainMaker applications, but there are countless more possibilities that learners can explore on this platform. By the end of this course, learners will have gained the skills and knowledge to create their own customized IoT devices using ESP RainMaker and ESP32, and take their first step towards building smart devices for their home or business.

All details about this course can be found on the relevant webpage.

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